Saturday, May 7, 2022

EOTO Reflection: Whistleblowers

I found the discussion of Whistleblowers particularly interesting, as they play a huge role in the state of affairs of the world while often existing in the shadows. I found my peers’ presentation to be greatly educational, giving me a great understanding on just how important whistleblowers are to society. We live in an often-corrupt world, and information about the injustices of society are not available to the public; it is up to whistleblowers to bring light about the corruption to the public, putting pressure on the government, company, or institution that the information is about. It keeps people of power in check, preventing them from using their power with no fear of consequences.


I have always held an interest and respect for whistleblowers, but in the past week, I have found that interest to be renewed as the situation with the Supreme Court and Roe V. Wade has played out. As there has never in the history of the Supreme Court been a majority opinion revealed to the public before the final deliberation, the gravity of this situation cannot be overstated. In the past week, it has cast a bleak shadow over the nation and sparked widespread debate and public outcry through protests in the streets. Yet what I have found myself focused on is the public response to and opinion about the anonymous person that leaked the controversial document to Politico. 


The opinions have been diverse. I have had friends describe the whistleblower as a hero, someone who would jettison their career and place a target over their heads, something that is largely true, as Chief Justice Roberts has launched an investigation into the leak. On the other hand, when talking to my more conservative friends who approve of the court decision, some have completely skewered the whistleblower, calling them a traitor who has sought to bring violence and ruin to the country through revealing the decision. These friends have called for the prosecution of the individual, which is an opinion certainly shared by some reporters as well. 


I am fascinated to see the future of this situation, not just about the final court decision, but what the fate of the whistleblower is, and what the public opinion of them is after the situation hopefully settles in some way. I have found it interesting in how bias plays into this situation, as abortion is a very sensitive topic that can stir up strong emotions from both sides; perhaps if it wasn’t such a controversial subject, the public reaction to the whistleblower would be different? I find it rather concerning that the public opinion of whistleblowers may be split by party lines in the future. 



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